Prepare for Cyber Monday
By ShirtSpace | Nov 26, 2019 | Updated Feb 12, 2024Cyber Monday is right around the corner. Shoppers are getting excited to see what sales and deals their favorite places have in store. But with all the deals coming your way, how do you navigate your way around the internet to take advantage of them all?
Well do not worry, ShirtSpace has your back. We are here with tips and tricks on how to navigate your Cyber Monday holiday and score on some major deals.
Follow your Favorites (and don’t forget ShirtSpace)
Social media is such a blessing when it comes to staying informed. First, pick your favorite platform. Next, if you don’t already, make sure you follow all your favorite online stores.
Online stores are just as excited to share their deals as you are to discover them. As Cyber Monday gets closer and closer the hype will start to build. And who knows, maybe they will clue you in on a little surprise here and there. (wink wink)
Get your browser ready
Bookmarks on your browser are a powerful tool, use them wisely. Start browsing your favorite sites for their deals and bookmark the ones you know you will be coming back to. This will help you save time in the long run instead of switching back and forth between tabs and forgetting which sale is which.
Have fun with this. You can shop from the comfort of your couch like a pro.
Check out last years sale
Do some investigating. You will start to notice trends from your favorite sites that will help you make an educated guess on the hot items or deals that will be on sale this year.
You can prepare a tentative shopping list. This is a fun way to get started on the Cyber Monday holiday and keep you on track for the items and deals you’re looking for you.
Making a shopping list can also help with our next tip.
Set a budget
We all want to spend like we have millions but, unless you actually have millions, you need to set a budget and stick to it. You have made your list and checked it twice and done all your research to figure out exactly what deals you are going to take advantage of. At this point, you don’t want to ruin all your hard work bargain hunting by spending more than you have budgeted all in one place.
Now that you have all your tools in your toolbox, it’s time to put them to work.
Shop till you drop
Cyber Monday is a fun consumer “holiday” to take advantage of all the deals that are out there. So go for it, shop till you drop and take advantage of these tools to keep you on track. And at the end of the day, you will be so happy with all of your new favorite things!
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