How to Remove Any Type of Stain From Your T-Shirt
By ShirtSpace | Aug 23, 2019 | Updated Feb 26, 2024Skip to:
How To Remove Coffee or Tea Stains from T-Shirts
How To Remove Red Wine Stains From Clothing
How To Make Mustard Stains Go Away
Removing Tomato Sauce Stains from Clothes
How To Eliminate Ice Cream Stains
Quickly Clean Lipstick Stains from Shirts
Getting Out Grass Stains from Your Clothing
How to Get a Stain Out of a White Shirt
How to Get a Stain Out a Shirt Fast
Stains — Be Gone With You!
Contrary to popular belief, any stain is removable — and that’s good news for sloppy eaters, parents of kids, pet-owners, and the rest of us who just have a case of perpetual butterfingers.
If you act fast you can get a coffee, tea, or even a stubborn wine stain out of almost anything. This includes some of the most stubborn stains, like perspiration, “tomato-based” stains, ink and dye, gum, and glue.
How to Remove Stains
To remove stains from fabrics and upholstery, there is a specific process that needs to be followed. Oil-based stains will need an absorbent first, followed by a solvent. You need to cater your approach based on the stain, which is where a guide on how to remove stains can be incredibly useful.
To remove any type of stain from your fabrics and upholstery, there is also a specific process. Oil-based stains, for example, will need an absorbent first, followed by a solvent. You need to cater your approach based on the stain, which is where this guide can help.
Use this ShirtSpace, ultimate guide to stain removal to learn exactly how to remove a coffee, tea, wine, or any other type of stain from your clothing.
1) How To Remove Coffee or Tea Stains from T-Shirts
If you’re wondering how to remove a coffee or tea stain from a t-shirt, it’s a very simple procedure. Though both types of drinks are strong enough in color that they’re frequently used as light, natural dyes, a little elbow grease and fast action will help protect your clothing.
To remove coffee or tea stains from fabric, you’ll need:
A toothbrush
Laundry detergent
White vinegar
First, rinse your clothing out under cold water. Don’t scrub, just run it under the water and thoroughly soak the fabric. Next, create a mixture of laundry detergent, white vinegar, and water. It should form a paste. Work this into the stained part of the fabric with a toothbrush. Once you see the stain start to soften and disappear, you can wash out the fabric. Coffee and tea stains begone!
2) How To Remove Red Wine Stains From Clothing
The only thing worse than a coffee or tea stain is learning how to remove a red wine stain from your prized fabrics. It’s actually far easier than you think, and you have two different options open to you.
To remove a red wine stain from fabric, you’ll need:
Club soda
Cold water
A bit of boiling water
First, blot the offending area with club soda. Use a rag or a paper towel to do this. Next, run cold water over the fabric or wash it in cold water. You can also first cover the red wine stain in salt. Let it absorb for a minute or a so and then stretch the fabric and pour boiling water directly over the salt (which is sitting on the stain). The salt will dissolve and eliminate the wine stain.
3) How To Make Mustard Stains Go Away
Let's face it: hot dogs and burgers are only as good as their condiment toppings. But things can get messy real fast. So here’s how to remove a mustard stain for that inevitable moment when you’re just too busy enjoying your burger to notice the big yellow blotch on your t-shirt.
To remove mustard stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Dish soap
10 ounces of water
A big bowl
Access to hot running water
First, you will need to mix 1 tablespoon of dish soap with 10 ounces of water in a big bowl. Next, submerge your fabric or t-shirt into the solution. Let it linger in there for a few minutes. Then, rinse under hot water or at the highest temperature the fabric is designed to withstand. There you have it! Mustard no more!
4) Removing Tomato Sauce Stains from Clothes
Critics agree: Tomato sauce stains are as cringe-worthy as red wine stains. Granted, the process of how to remove tomato sauce stains is a little more time-consuming than red wine, but the results will leave your clothing spotless.
To remove tomato sauce stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Liquid laundry detergent
White vinegar
A sponge
First, flush the back of the stain with cold water on the fabric. Next, rub in liquid laundry detergent onto the offending area. Work this in for a few minutes before rinsing the soap out completely. Next, dip your sponge into some white vinegar and work this into the stain. Rinse and repeat the process once over. Your fabric will be de-tomato-sauced in no time!
5) How To Eliminate Ice Cream Stains
Just because you’re having vanilla ice cream doesn’t mean you’re in the clear — you still need to know how to remove ice cream stains. A great, big vanilla splotch on dark fabrics is just as terrible to have as a chocolate ice cream on white fabrics. For this disappearing trick, you’ll need some club soda and laundry detergent.
To remove ice cream stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Club soda
Laundry detergent
Access to a washing machine
First, turn the fabric over and flush the back of the stained area with club soda. Next, gently rub laundry detergent into the stain and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Now, run your t-shirt or fabric through the normal setting or cycle in your washing machine. You should see an instant elimination of ice cream stains!
6) Quickly Clean Lipstick Stains from Shirts
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, removing lipstick stains is the easiest of them all. You don’t need too much time or too many implements to remove lipstick stains. Here’s how it works:
To remove lipstick stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Wash cloth
Warm water
First, you will need to grab your fabric or t-shirt and spray the stained area with hairspray. Next, let it sit this way for about 15 minutes. Now, soak a second cloth in warm water and wipe the hair sprayed area down with the warm, wet cloth. There you have it, your lipstick stain is gone!
7) Getting Out Grass Stains from Your Clothing
The good news about learning how to get out grass stains from fabric is that you don’t need to panic and treat the fabric right away. You certainly can attack the stain quickly if you want, but you can treat it just as well when you’re ready to do laundry because the process allows for running the fabric through a machine.
To remove grass stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Cold water
Stain remover
Laundry detergent
First, soak the fabric in cold water. Then remove, wring out the excess water. Next, treat the area with stain remover and leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash out with normal laundry detergent, or you can rinse it in a regular cycle. The stain remover will grab onto the grass stain with ease and it will be gone!
8) How To Remove Blood Stains
Unlike every other stain on our stain removal guide, blood is the trickiest because it’s a human bodily fluid. Its iron-rich content makes it a strong stain contender, which requires a bit of a chemical nudge to really break those stains down. Blood also soaks its way right through multiple layers of fabric very quickly, so you’ll really need all the help you can to remove blood stains.
To remove blood stains from fabric, you’ll need:
Cool salt water
Laundry machine
First, soak the blood-stained fabric or t-shirt in cool salt water. Try to dissolve the salt as best as you can by stirring, but it is okay if there are still visible salt particles. Next, apply a solution of one part ammonia with two parts water to the stained area. Then, toss your fabric into the appropriate wash cycle in your laundry machine. This combination of intensive removal and washing should lift those blood stains right out!
There Are No Impossible Stains
If there’s one thing the ShirtSpace Stain Removal Guide should prove to you, it’s that there’s really no stain that a trusty combination of water, timely scrubbing, laundry detergent, white vinegar, and, yes, at times even ammonia (handled carefully), can’t properly fix. It’s a good idea to keep a full stock of these items in your laundry room, just in case you need to treat clothing right before popping them into a wash cycle.
How to Get a Stain Out of a White Shirt
The infamous jinx of a white shirt, spillage. We have good news for you, that jinx can get thrown right out the window! No more need to worry about stains or spilling while drinking coffee, juice or tee while wearing a brand new white shirt you just purchased from ShirtSpace. Of course, we still suggest you try to be careful however, we have the solution for those unfavorable events where stains occur.
All you will need is:
White vinegar
Castile soap
Baking soda or oxygen bleach
Cold water
How To Get Stain Out of White Shirt Fabric
First, mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 1 teaspoon of Castile soap in a mixing bowl. Place stained shirt and let soak for 30 minutes. Next, sprinkle baking soda or oxygen bleach on the stain. Rinse with cold water and repeat.
There really are no such things as “impossible to get out” stains. Use this guide to help you break down and remove your toughest ones.
How to Get a Stain Out a Shirt Fast
Good news, you have all the information here to help you act as fast as possible to get any stain out fast! All you have to do is grab this guide, gather your supplies and put the steps into action. Easy enough right? Let us know in the comments just how fast you were able to remove stains from your garments! We would love to hear from you.
Jesse02/26/2025 12:25 pm
I have a vintage cotton shirt with some small paint stains. I am trying to figure out how to get the paints spots out without ruining the shirt. New to vintage t shirt shopping. Any ideas?
ShirtSpace02/26/2025 06:01 pm
Hi, Jesse! Great question! Removing paint from a vintage cotton shirt can be tricky, especially since older fabrics can be more delicate. Here are a few methods to try, depending on the type of paint: For Water-Based Paint (Acrylic, Latex)–If the paint is fresh, rinse it with warm water and mild soap.If dried, try dabbing the stain with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer, then gently scrub with a soft toothbrush. For Oil-Based Paint– Use a small amount of dish soap or mild detergent and rub it in with your fingers. If that doesn’t work, apply a tiny amount of mineral spirits or nail polish remover on a cotton swab and dab the stain (spot test first!). For Any Paint Type–Gently scrape off excess paint with a butter knife. Apply a mixture of baking soda and water to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. Since it’s a vintage shirt, always spot-test any cleaner on an inconspicuous area first. Also, avoid harsh scrubbing to prevent fabric damage. We hope these ideas help, and thanks for reading our blog!
Ash02/18/2024 12:36 pm
How do you get yellow sharpie marker out of a heavy cotton grey tshirt? Do not want any discolouration
ShirtSpace02/19/2024 04:45 pm
Hi, Ash. To get Sharpie marker out of a cotton shirt, we recommend try the methods laid out in this article by Real Simple: https://www.realsimple.com/how-to-get-sharpie-out-of-clothes-8364973
Jeremy02/09/2024 06:13 am
I bought a t-shirt that is 100% ring spun cotton, like a grayish charcoal color. I went to wear it the other day and realized there are quite a few grease like looking stains. Basically the stains look like wet spots because it's darker than the color of the shirt but the spots are completely dry. I don't know if something was in the washer or maybe there might've been some kinda grease on the end of my fingers or what. It's a complete mystery to me. I want to wear this shirt to a concert coming up soon. Please help me with what I might be able to try to get these stains out! Thank you.
ShirtSpace02/09/2024 04:39 pm
Hi, Jeremy. This is a great question (how to get grease stains out of a shirt). We recommend trying Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam. This is because it is formulated to fight through stubborn grease. Pump out a little bit of the soap on the stained areas, rub the soap into the fabric, and let them soak for 5-10 minutes. Then wash as you normally would. You may have to repeat this process a few times before you completely remove them. We hope this helps you get your charcoal t-shirt back into shape before the concert you are attending. Best of luck, and thank you for reading our blog.
Carol12/28/2023 09:43 pm
White knit tank top came out with bluish blotchy stains - I usually separate the whites and don't know if I did - but Ive washed it a few time and very little luck. Help! Its my daughters!
ShirtSpace12/28/2023 10:43 pm
Hi, Carol. We recommend checking out our blog article that is specifically about how to get stains out of WHITE tees for some handy tips and tricks: https://www.shirtspace.com/blog/how-to-get-stains-out-of-a-white-t-shirt-the-ultimate-guide Best of luck, and thanks for reading!
Jd Rummer11/29/2023 04:38 pm
I have an old band shirt, mostly white t-shirt, that my old band mates from college had made for all of us & some groupies. I can't really replace it. Sometime over the last decade it got washed with something red, and got an overall light pink staining. IT'S BARELY NOTICEABLE. It's a long-set in stain. In artificial lighting, it just looks white. It wasn't until sometime, probably long after the stain happened, I was wearing it out in sunny weather & someone took pictures or said, "hey, that shirt is pink" & yeah, it is. I've tried diluted bleach & vinegar. It's still just very light pink under bright lighting. & I'm not sure how to fix it.
ShirtSpace11/29/2023 04:59 pm
Hi, Jd. Thank you for sharing your story about your special t-shirt. We totally understand the sentimental value that can come with having a tee in your wardrobe for years. It sounds like you are dealing with dinging more so than staining. We suggest trying lemon juice, baking soda, or any of these methods suggested in this Better Homes and Gardens article: https://rb.gy/lbx00y
Jeanie Manser02/09/2023 09:45 pm
Thank you for the help. My husband was wearing a brand new tropical polo I bought him when he decided to take our old dryer to our dumpster rental. I'm not sure what was on that thing, but his polo was filthy and there have been a couple of spots I haven't been able to remove! Fingers crossed this works! Thank you!
ShirtSpace02/13/2023 05:51 pm
Hi, Jeanie. We are glad you found this article useful. Best of luck with getting the spots out of your husband's polo. Feel free to a post an update about your experience with these tips and tricks, if you feel inclined!
Wil lawson06/11/2022 04:30 pm
I just bought a new white and black and blue inside sleeves 7 diamonds 4 way stretch shirt. I happened to have someone spill a beer on it and dried as I WAS NOT wearing it. The IPA made orange spots in many places. HELP!
ShirtSpace08/18/2022 06:50 pm
Hi Wil, We would love to help you get the beer stains out of your shirt. We are curious what the material makeup of the shirt is, because this affects the method you should use to treat and cleanse your garment. We suspect from your description that your shirt is likely made from 100% polyester. Here is a great resource page explaining how to get stains out of polyester. Here is the method that we suggest using from that article, if your shirt is in fact all polyester: There are several ways to remove yellow stains from polyester. One of the easiest ways to get yellow stains out of white polyester is to use oxygen bleach. Chlorine bleach may be too harsh for synthetic fabrics like polyester, but oxygen bleach is less harsh and safer for both you and the fabric. Here’s how to use it: Mix a solution of oxygen bleach and warm water, following the direction on the package. Put the item in the solution and leave it to soak overnight Take the item out of the solution and wash it in the washing machine using warm water. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle Dry it in the dryer or let it air dry. Hanging it out in the sun to dry can also help to whiten it. You can also try adding 1 cup of lemon juice to the washing machine. Or, a mix of bluing agent with cold water according to the instructions, add it to the washing machine and wash the item as normal. Thanks so much for reading our blog. Please let us know if we can assist you any further by reaching out to our Customer Service Team.
Lia07/25/2021 02:21 pm
My daughter brought home a sweatshirt from camp with their logo that she intends to treasure. On the first wash at home it came out of the dryer with blue stains in the hot pink fabric and the white printing. Shout got the blue out of the fabric but not out of the printing. I know some chemicals will remove the printing altogether, so I don't know what to try.
ShirtSpace08/18/2022 04:52 pm
Hi, Lia! We are sorry your daughter’s beloved camp sweatshirt became damaged in the wash! Unfortunately, we aren’t 100% sure you will be able to salvage the print on the sweatshirt, but we have a couple ideas for you based on what type of methods were used to print the design on the sweatshirt. If it is a vinyl design, then we recommend trying these steps laid out in this article from The Spruce: https://www.thespruce.com/remove-stains-vinyl-and-rubber-clothes-2147030 If you have a screen printed design on the shirt, we recommend trying this, although it may make the design look slightly worn or distressed, or you may risk the possibility of taking the design off altogether. With that said, if you are willing to take the risk—we recommend gently using these methods recommended by Silver Bobbin. That way, you will likely wear down the material, but not remove it completely. 7 Effective Ways of Removing Screen Printing from Clothes: Acetone or Nail Polish Remover. Nail polish remover contains a chemical called acetone, which can dissolve even old and cracked ink designs. Spotting Fluid Plastisol Remover Iron and Peel Fade with Washing Cold water Rinse While Printing Sugar Scrub Please let us know if you have any more questions that we can possibly help with, and best of luck reviving your daughter’s sweatshirt.
[email protected]06/30/2021 11:15 am
Smoke stains pls.
ShirtSpace08/18/2022 04:49 pm
Hi, Sandra. To answer your question about how to remove smoke stains—the answer depends on what kind of smoke. According to The Spruce, for cigarette smoke stained cotton or linen clothes: Combine one quart of warm water and 1/2 teaspoon of heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent (Tide or Persil). Soak the nicotine-stained clothing in the mixture for 15 minutes before ringing out the excess water. Sponge the stained area with rubbing alcohol until the stain is removed, and wash as usual. The Spruce also advises that for polyester, rayon, acrylic, or nylon clothing: Make a wet spot cleaner by combining one part glycerin, one part liquid dishwashing detergent and eight parts water in a large jar. Label and keep tightly closed to prevent evaporation. Dampen the stained area with a sponge, applying gentle strokes beginning at the center of the stain and working outward. Apply a few drops of wet spot cleaner and a few drops of distilled white vinegar directly on top of the stain. Cover the stain with a cotton pad or white cloth and allow the pad to set, picking up the stain. Keep the stain moist until it disappears, then flush the area with water and wash as normal. However, if you have already tried to remove the stains but they remained, and then you dried the clothing in a dryer, the stains may be permanently set. You can still give these tips a try before tossing the clothes. If you are trying to remove campfire smoke scents—follow these tips from Speed Queen: Use Hot Water: Hot water works best when it comes to removing smells, since it is the most effective way to open up the clothing fibers and remove unwanted scents during the wash. Just be sure to read the clothing care instructions prior to washing to determine delicacy level. White Vinegar to the Rescue: Add odor fighter to the many uses for white vinegar. It’s non-toxic, inexpensive, and adds a boost of odor fighting power to your load. Just add one cup of white vinegar after you’ve added detergent to your load. Baking Soda Back-Up: Not only does baking soda help keep your white clothing whiter, and colorful clothing brighter, it also helps take care of unwanted odors. If white vinegar isn’t available, baking soda will also deodorize the smell. Add your detergent and wait about five minutes. Then add a half cup of baking soda to the load. We hope this helps you remove smoke stains in your fabrics. Feel free to reach out to our Customer Service Team if you have any further questions that we can assist you with.
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